If Your Father’s Day Sucks
2 min readJun 20, 2016
Remember: your dad is not your fault.
This post is for anybody who needs it today or ever.
I wrote an essay called, “Surprise! You Don’t Have To Love Your Family.” I’d put it up here but it’s in my book “Real Artists Have Day Jobs.” I think I can only reprint it with permission. So I wrote this.
- It will be over soon.
- You can turn off social media.
- You have permission to be your own dad.
- You have permission to hate your dad.
- You have permission to love your dad even if he was, objectively speaking, a piece of shit.
- You can pick a different dad. I have a friend whose imaginary dad is a TV character. Not even a human. It’s Lion-O from “Thundercats.” Hey, whatever works. That can be the dad you picture.
- You can say, “My dad and I don’t get along, so this is a rough day for me.” You can also say, “I don’t celebrate today but I hope you enjoy it. I’m dadgnostic.”
- You didn’t break your dad and you can’t fix your dad. Isn’t that terrible? Isn’t that great?
- Dads aren’t always men. Men aren’t always dads.
- Your dad is not your fault.
If your dad doesn’t love you enough or isn’t there for you, that’s his fault, not yours. You are great and I am your dad today and I love you. I am proud of you. Congratulations on continuing to raise yourself.